Music, Lyrics & Karaoke
The second activity, music, releases the mind and body from the here and now allowing the self to explore new realities. Yoga and music are disruptive and subversive arts that are in the control of students. Music releases the urge for novelty and emotional engagement in students. The EZ method taps into the student’s passion for music and the emotions of calmness, excitement, love, caring, disappointment, anger, and longing.
Lyrics, music and Karaoke energize each chapter in the book and makes students aware of the power of the body and its rhythmic connections to others. A series of musical stories (songs) moves the students along as they follow the development of a young girl from adolescence into the challenges and successes of young adulthood. The songs become the texts that are the basis for learning English. The words in the lyrics are aligned with pop music to attract and get the attention and interest of teenagers and adolescents. The words in the songs are the vocabulary encoded within the stories. The stories are alive because they are embedded in the shared music and rhythmicity of a group learning and vibbing with the other students in the class.